cancel order button available

unsubscribe button available

refill button available

ID Service Name Price per 1000 Min Max Average Completition Time Description Views (Provider)

104 👁️ Post views [1h - 20k/d] [from 100] ≈0.0022 € 100 1000000 6 hours 23 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed)
⚡Speed per day: up to 20.000 (smoothly)
🌍Geo: ru
🔗Link format:, (click on post date and copy link)
♻Warranty: no. Drop: no
🚫Cancel: no
❗Additional information: does not work for promotional posts; the community/account must be open; place a new order on the same link after completing the previous order. The service sometimes crashes - after restoration we restart orders.
32 👁️ Post views Live [1h - 30k/d] [live] [] ≈1.6232 € 5 100000 8 hours 28 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 30.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: (click on post date and copy link)
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: no
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
38 🎥 Video views [1h - 30k/d] [r30] [nd] ≈0.0382 € 50 1000000 3 hours 58 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed)
⚡Speed per day: ~30.000
🌍Geo: ru+mix
🔗Link format: (link to video, not to post)
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: no
🚫Cancel: no
❗Additional information: 1. Video must not be private; 2. Place a new order on the same link after completing the previous order. 3. Views are counted only in VK
36 🎥 Clip views [1h - 30k/d] [nd] ≈0.0382 € 100 1000000 3 hours 30 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed)
⚡Speed per day: ~30.000
🌍Geo: ru
🔗Link format: (link to clip, not to post)
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: no
🚫Cancellation: no
❗Additional information: 1. The clip must not be private; 2. Place a new order on the same link after completing the previous order. 3. Views are counted only in VK
40 🎥 Video/Clip views Live [1h - 30k/d] [] ≈3.2464 € 5 100000 9 hours 33 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 30.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format:,
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading. [Likes, Reposts] (Provider)

41 👍 Likes [1h - 3k/d] [] ≈0.3819 € 10 15000 30 hours 21 minute
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed)
⚡Speed per day: up to 3.000
🌍Geo: ru. Profiles with avatars and at least 5 posts
🔗Link format: (click on the post date and copy the link),, /photo123456789_1234567,
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: minimal or not
🚫Cancellation: yes
❗Additional information: community/account/wall/product/photo/video must be public; place a new order on the same link after completing the previous order.
48 👍 Likes Live [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈3.2464 € 5 100000 5 hours 18 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: link to publication/photo/video/clip/comment/product, (click on post date and copy link),, 89_1234567,
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
57 👍 Likes Live [male] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈3.2464 € 5 100000 6 hours 45 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: link to publication/photo/video/clip/comment/product, (click on post date and copy link),, 89_1234567,
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
51 👍 Likes Live [female] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈3.2464 € 5 100000 1 hour
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: link to publication/photo/video/clip/comment/product, (click on post date and copy link),, 89_1234567,
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
50 👍 Likes Live [18+ сontent] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈3.2464 € 5 100000 32 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: link to publication/photo/video/clip/comment/product, (click on post date and copy link),, 89_1234567,
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
105 📭 Reposts [1h - 200/d] [] ≈0.8498 € 10 3000 109 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h
⚡Speed per day: 50-200
🌍Geo: Profiles with avatars and at least 5 posts
🔗Link format:, (click on the post date and copy the link),, https://vk. com/photo123456789_1234567,
♻Warranty: no. Drops: minimal or not
🚫Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: community/account/wall/product/photo/video must be public; place a new order on the same link after completing the previous order.
73 📭 Reposts Live [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈5.7289 € 5 100000 23 hours 58 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: link to publication/photo/video/clip/comment/product, (click on post date and copy link),, 89_1234567,
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
71 📭 Reposts Live [male] 1h - 1k/d] [] ≈5.7289 € 5 100000 5 hours 50 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: link to publication/photo/video/clip/comment/product, (click on post date and copy link),, 89_1234567,
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
58 📭 Reposts Live [female] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈5.7289 € 5 100000 6 hours 45 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: link to publication/photo/video/clip/comment/product, (click on post date and copy link),, 89_1234567,
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
59 📭 Reposts Live [18+ content] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈5.7289 € 5 100000 4 hours 52 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: link to publication/photo/video/clip/comment/product, (click on post date and copy link),, 89_1234567,
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading. [Followers/Friends] (Provider)

39 👥👋 Members [community/profile] [1h - 5k/d] [] ≈0.8498 € 10 50000 1 hour 27 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed)
⚡Speed per day: up to 5.000
🌍Geo: main CIS + Europe and other countries. Profiles with avatars and at least 5 posts. Dogs - available, maybe a large number.
🔗Link format:,,, (community/profile)
♻Warranty: no, including dogs
🚫Cancellation: possible - through technical support
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; subscribers should not be hidden; small and infrequent orders are recommended to avoid large replies; place a new order on the same link after completing the previous order.
160 👥👋 Members [community/profile] [1h - 5k/d] [MQ] [🇷🇺 Russian] [] ≈1.5277 € 10 10000 Not enough data
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed)
⚡Speed per day: up to 5000
🌍Geo: ru. Medium quality
🔗Link format:,,, (community/profile)
♻Guarantee: no, including for dogs.
🚫Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; subscribers should not be hidden; small and infrequent orders are recommended to avoid large unsubscribes; Place a new order on the same link after completing the previous order.
161 👥👋 Members [community/profile] [1h - 5k/d] [HQ] [🇷🇺 Russian] [] ≈2.2915 € 10 10000 Not enough data
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed)
⚡Speed per day: up to 5000
🌍Geo: ru. High quality
🔗Link format:,,, (community/profile)
♻Guarantee: no, including for dogs.
🚫Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; subscribers should not be hidden; small and infrequent orders are recommended to avoid large unsubscribes; Place a new order on the same link after completing the previous order.
60 👥 Community Members Live [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.1159 € 5 100000 167 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format:,, (сообщество)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
68 👥 Community Members Live [male] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.1159 € 5 100000 43 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format:,, (сообщество)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
64 👥 Community Members Live [female] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.1159 € 5 100000 1455 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format:,, (сообщество)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
65 👥 Community Members Live [at least 5 friends in the profiles] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.1159 € 5 100000 36 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format:,, (сообщество)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
62 👥 Community Members Live [at least 5 posts in the profiles] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.1159 € 5 100000 12 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format:,, (сообщество)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
74 👥 Community Members Live [with registration older than 1 month] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.1159 € 5 100000 6 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format:,, (сообщество)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
49 👥 Community Members Live [over 18 years of age] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.1159 € 5 100000 8 hours 50 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format:,, (сообщество)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: minimal or not
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
61 👥 Community Members Live [18+ content] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.1159 € 5 100000 7 hours 45 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format:,, (сообщество)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
86 👋 Friends Live [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈5.7289 € 5 100000 282 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format:, (profile)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually minimal or not
🚫Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
81 👋 Friends Live [male] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈5.7289 € 5 100000 8 hours 15 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format:, (profile)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually minimal or not
🚫Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
80 👋 Friends Live [female] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈5.7289 € 5 100000 15 hours 15 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format:, (profile)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually minimal or not
🚫Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
85 👋 Friends Live [at least 5 posts in the profiles] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈5.7289 € 5 100000 14 hours 20 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format:, (profile)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually minimal or not
🚫Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
79 👋 Friends Live [at least 5 friends in the profiles] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈5.7289 € 5 100000 15 hours 38 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format:, (profile)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually minimal or not
🚫Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
78 👋 Friends Live [over 18 years of age] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈5.7289 € 5 100000 25 hours 20 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format:,, (сообщество)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: minimal or not
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
77 👋 Friends Live [date of registration not less than 1 month.] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈5.7289 € 5 100000 26 hours 30 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format:,, (сообщество)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: minimal or not
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
92 👋 Friends Live [18+ content] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈5.7289 € 5 100000 37 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format:,, (сообщество)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading. [Polls/Comments] (Provider)

109 ✏️ Votes Live [Custom] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈5.7289 € 5 100000 48 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: (link to post with voting - not to vote). In the additional field, indicate the number of the answer option
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
95 ✏️ Votes Live [Random] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈5.7289 € 5 100000 45 hours 42 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: (link to post with voting - not to vote)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
66 💬✏️ Comments Live [Custom] on post [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 100000 2 hours 9 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: (link to post)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
47 💬 Comments on post Live [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 100000 2 hours 36 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: (click on post date and copy link)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
55 💬 Comments on post Live [male] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 100000 5 hours 20 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: (click on post date and copy link)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
52 💬 Comments on post Live [female] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 100000 12 hours 20 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: (click on post date and copy link)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
67 💬 Comments on post Live [18+ content] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 100000 3 hours 28 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: (click on post date and copy link)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
75 💬😀 Comments on post Positive Live [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 100000 29 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: (click on post date and copy link)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
70 💬😀 Comments on post Positive Live [male] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 100000 2 hours 8 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo:Live Users
🔗Link format: (click on post date and copy link)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
72 💬😀 Comments on post Positive Live [female] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 100000 24 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: (click on post date and copy link)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
76 💬😀 Comments on post Positive Live [18+ content] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 100000 1 hour 18 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: (click on post date and copy link)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
82 💬😐 Comments on post Neutral Live [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 100000 13 hours 49 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: (click on post date and copy link)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
89 💬😐 Comments on post Neutral Live [male] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 100000 4 hours 9 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: (click on post date and copy link)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
88 💬😐 Comments on post Neutral Live [female] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 100000 47 hours 19 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: (click on post date and copy link)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
90 💬😐 Comments on post Neutral Live [18+ content] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 100000 2 hours 59 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: (click on post date and copy link)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
96 💬 Comments on post Live [🇷🇺 Russian] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 100000 3 hours 50 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: mainly Russia and CIS countries. Live Users
🔗Link format: (click on post date and copy link)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
98 💬 Comments on post Live [male] [🇷🇺 Russian] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 100000 7 hours 45 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: mainly Russia and CIS countries. Live Users
🔗Link format: (click on post date and copy link)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
106 💬 Comments on post Live [female] [🇷🇺 Russian] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 100000 18 hours 20 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: mainly Russia and CIS countries. Live Users
🔗Link format: (click on post date and copy link)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
63 💬 Comments on post Live [18+ content] [🇷🇺 Russian] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 100000 5 hours 15 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: mainly Russia and CIS countries. Live Users
🔗Link format: (click on post date and copy link)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
83 💬😀 Comments on post Positive Live [🇷🇺 Russian] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 100000 32 hours 15 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: mainly Russia and CIS countries. Live Users
🔗Link format: (click on post date and copy link)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
91 💬😀 Comments on post Positive Live [male] [🇷🇺 Russian] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 100000 6 hours 35 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: mainly Russia and CIS countries. Live Users
🔗Link format: (click on post date and copy link)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
101 💬😀 Comments on post Positive Live [female] [🇷🇺 Russian] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 100000 6 hours 28 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: mainly Russia and CIS countries. Live Users
🔗Link format: (click on post date and copy link)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
84 💬😀 Comments on post Positive Live [18+ content] [🇷🇺 Russian] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 100000 7 hours 30 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: mainly Russia and CIS countries. Live Users
🔗Link format: (click on post date and copy link)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
93 💬😐 Comments on post Neutral Live [🇷🇺 Russian] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 100000 22 hours 15 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: mainly Russia and CIS countries. Live Users
🔗Link format: (click on post date and copy link)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
42 💬😐 Comments on post Neutral Live [male] [🇷🇺 Russian] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 100000 12 hours 40 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: mainly Russia and CIS countries. Live Users
🔗Link format: (click on post date and copy link)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
35 💬😐 Comments on post Neutral Live [female] [🇷🇺 Russian] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 100000 10 hours 18 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: mainly Russia and CIS countries. Live Users
🔗Link format: (click on post date and copy link)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
37 💬😐 Comments on post Neutral Live [18+ content] [🇷🇺 Russian] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 100000 4 hours 22 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: mainly Russia and CIS countries. Live Users
🔗Link format: (click on post date and copy link)
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.

Instagram* Views (Provider)

97 🎥IG Views Stories Live [1h - 5k/d] [] ≈1.6232 € 5 50000 22 hours 40 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 5.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: link to profile to view one story, or|3, where 3 is the number of stories, and the quantity in the order is This is the total number of views submitted for all stories.
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the account must be open; posts in the profile must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
94 🎥IG Views IGTV + Reels Live [1h - 5k/d] [] ≈4.1057 € 5 50000 21 hour 35 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 5.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: link to video/clip
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the account must be open; posts in the profile must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.

Instagram* Likes, Reposts (Provider)

107 👍IG Likes Live [publication, photo, video, comment] [1h - 5k/d] [] ≈4.1057 € 5 50000 176 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 5.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: link to publication/photo/video, or to like the comment|user, where |user after the link - the username of the commented user whose comment you want to like
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the account must be open; posts in the profile must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
44 👍IG Likes Live [male] [publication, photo, video, comment] [1h - 5k/d] [] ≈4.1057 € 5 50000 489 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 5.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: link to publication/photo/video, or to like the comment|user, where |user after the link - the username of the commented user whose comment you want to like
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the account must be open; posts in the profile must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
45 👍IG Likes Live [female] [publication, photo, video, comment] [1h - 5k/d] [] ≈4.1057 € 5 50000 322 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 5.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: link to publication/photo/video, or to like the comment|user, where |user after the link - the username of the commented user whose comment you want to like
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the account must be open; posts in the profile must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
99 👍IG Likes Live [18+ content] [1h - 5k/d] [] ≈4.1057 € 5 50000 198 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 5.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: link to publication/photo/video, or to like the comment|user, where |user after the link - the username of the commented user whose comment you want to like
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the account must be open; posts in the profile must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.

Instagram* Followers (Provider)

46 👥IG Followers Live [1h-1k/d] [] ≈8.1159 € 5 50000 11 hours 27 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: profile link To successfully complete orders for Instagram followers, please read the blog Instagram followers boost after the update on August 18, 2024
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the account must be open; posts in the profile must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
34 👥IG Followers Live [female] [1h-1k/d] [] ≈8.1159 € 5 50000 322 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: profile link To successfully complete orders for Instagram followers, please read the blog Instagram followers boost after the update on August 18, 2024
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the account must be open; posts in the profile must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
53 👥IG Followers Live [male] [1h-1k/d] [] ≈8.1159 € 5 50000 489 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: profile link To successfully complete orders for Instagram followers, please read the blog Instagram followers boost after the update on August 18, 2024
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the account must be open; posts in the profile must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
33 👥IG Followers Live [over 18 years of age] [1h-1k/d] [] ≈8.1159 € 5 50000 60 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: profile link To successfully complete orders for Instagram followers, please read the blog Instagram followers boost after the update on August 18, 2024
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the account must be open; posts in the profile must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
110 👥IG Followers Live [18+ content] [1h-1k/d] [] ≈8.1159 € 5 50000 57 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: profile link To successfully complete orders for Instagram followers, please read the blog Instagram followers boost after the update on August 18, 2024
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the account must be open; posts in the profile must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.

Instagram* Comments (Provider)

111 💬IG Comments Live [publication, photo, video] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 50000 80 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: link to post/photo/video
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the account must be open; posts in the profile must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
112 💬✏️IG Comments Custom Live [publication, photo, video] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 50000 101 hour
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: link to post/photo/video
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the account must be open; posts in the profile must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
113 💬😀IG Comments Live Positive [publication, photo, video] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 50000 52 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: link to post/photo/video
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the account must be open; posts in the profile must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
114 💬😐IG Comments Live Neutral [publication, photo, video] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 50000 51 hour
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: link to post/photo/video
♻Warranty: no, including for dogs. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the account must be open; posts in the profile must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.

Telegram (Provider)

121 📺Telegram Views Live [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈2.4825 € 5 100000 7 hours 43 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed)
⚡Speed per day: up to 30.000
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format:
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
122 📺Telegram Views Live [18+ сontent] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈2.4825 € 5 100000 5 hours 21 minute
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed)
⚡Speed per day: up to 30.000
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format:
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
120 😁 Views Circle [1h - 100k/d] [🇺🇸 USA] ≈0.0342 € 100 250000 52 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (rarely delays)
⚡Daily speed: up to 100,000
🌍Geo: USA
🔗Link format:
♻Guarantee: no. Unsubscribes: no or minimum
🚫Cancellation: no
❗Additional information: A repeat order for the same link is allowed to be created no less than an hour after the previous order was completed; only for open channels, not suitable for groups
115 👥Telegram Members Live [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 100000 171 hour 19 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed)
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format:
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
116 👥Telegram Members Live [male] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 100000 173 hours 20 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed)
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format:
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
117 👥Telegram Members Live [female] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 100000 196 hours 10 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed)
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format:
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
118 👥Telegram Members Live [over 18 years of age] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 100000 123 hours 29 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed)
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format:
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
119 👥Telegram Members Live [18+ content] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 100000 149 hours 33 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed)
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format:
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.

TikTok (Provider)

124 📺TikTok Video views Live [1h - 30k/d] [] ≈3.2464 € 5 70000 56 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 30.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format:,
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
125 👍TikTok Likes Live [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈4.1057 € 5 70000 79 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format:,
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
126 📭TikTok Reposts Live [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈2.4825 € 5 70000 126 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format:,
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
123 👥TikTok Followers Live [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈7.2566 € 5 70000 75 hours 38 minutes
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: link to profile
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the account must be open; posts in the profile must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
127 💬TikTok Comments Live [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 70000 221 hour
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format:,
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
130 💬✏️TikTok Comments Live [Custom] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 70000 244 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: mainly Russia and CIS countries. Live Users
🔗Link format:,
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
128 💬😀TikTok Comments Positive Live [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 70000 246 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format:,
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
129 💬😐TikTok Comments Neutral Live [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 70000 245 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format:,
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the community/account must be open; posts in the group must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; 18+ themes, escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.

Likee (Provider)

131 👥Likee Followers Live [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈7.2566 € 5 30000 363 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: link to profile
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the account must be open; posts in the profile must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
132 🎥Likee Views Live [1h - 5k/d] [] ≈3.2464 € 5 30000 26 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 5.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: link to the publication
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the account must be open; posts in the profile must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
133 👍Likee Likes Live [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈4.1057 € 5 30000 123 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: link to the publication
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the account must be open; posts in the profile must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
134 📭Likee Reposts Live [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈2.4825 € 5 30000 79 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: link to the publication
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the account must be open; posts in the profile must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
135 💬Likee Comments Live [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 30000 219 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: link to the publication
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the account must be open; posts in the profile must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
138 💬✏️Likee Comments Live [Custom] [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 30000 269 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: link to the publication
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the account must be open; posts in the profile must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
136 💬😀Likee Comments Positive Live [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 30000 202 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: link to the publication
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the account must be open; posts in the profile must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.
137 💬😐Likee Comments Neutral Live [1h - 1k/d] [] ≈8.8798 € 5 30000 194 hours
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed). In some cases, the order may be sent for moderation, which increases the start time, usually up to 3 hours on weekdays, or slightly increase - on weekends (status being processed). If the order was sent for moderation at night, it will be considered in the morning.
⚡Speed per day: up to 1.000. The larger the order, the higher the speed.
🌍Geo: Live Users
🔗Link format: link to the publication
♻Warranty: no. Unsubscribes: usually none or minimal
🚫 Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the account must be open; posts in the profile must be at least 10; an avatar must be present, place a new order for the same link after the previous order has been completed. Prohibited topics: topics prohibited by law; escorts; dubious types of earnings; alcohol/tobacco/illicit substances and services; materials calling for violence and cruelty; communities consisting of more than 30% of reposts from other communities or from links leading to third-party resources; cheat; phishing; breaking into; sending spam; unfinished stories with a link to continue reading.


156 ▶️Rubute Просмотры, гарантия 30д [1h - 100m/d] [] ≈0.3819 € 50 100000000 Not enough data
⌛Start: 0-1h
⚡Speed per day: up to 100m.
🌍Geo: -
🔗Link format:
♻Guarantee: 30d
🚫Cancel: no
❗Additional information: the channel must be open; access should be for everyone without authorization; place a new order on the same link after completing the previous order; after completion, you can re-install; The counter is updated up to 24 hours.

⌛Start: 0-1h
⚡Speed per day: up to 100m.
🌍Geo: -
🔗Link format:
♻Guarantee: 30d
🚫Cancel: no
❗Additional information: the channel must be open; access should be for everyone without authorization; place a new order on the same link after completing the previous order; after completion, you can re-install; The counter is updated up to 24 hours.
157 👥Rutube in TOP [6h - 15k/d] [r30] [] ≈2.8644 € 10 1000000 Not enough data
⌛Start: 1-6 hours. Clicking the button to the TOP
⚡Speed per day: up to 15.000
🌍Geo: -
🔗Link format:
♻Warranty: 30d
🚫Cancel: no
❗Additional information: the channel must be open; access should be for everyone without authorization; Place a new order on the same link after completing the previous order.
158 👥Rutube Subscribers [1h - 100k/d] [r30] [] ≈2.8644 € 10 1000000 Not enough data
⌛Start: 1-6h
⚡Speed per day: up to 15.000
🌍Geo: -
🔗Link format:
♻Warranty: 30d
🚫Cancel: no
❗Additional information: the channel must be open; access should be for everyone without authorization; Place a new order on the same link after completing the previous order. If the subscriber counter shows old values after cheating, refresh the channel page several times or clear the cache.
159 Rutube Positive reactions [⭐️😍👽😭😂🔥] [3h - 2k/d] [] ≈2.387 € 10 1000000 Not enough data
⌛Start: 0-3h (sometimes may be delayed)
⚡Speed per day: up to 2,000
🌍Geo: -
🔗Link format:
♻Warranty: no
🚫Cancel: no
❗Additional information: the channel must be open; Place a new order on the same link after completing the previous order.

Youtube (Provider)

142 ▶️Youtube Views [1h - 10k/d - 10sec] [] ≈0.7161 € 10 100000 Not enough data
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed)
⚡Speed per day: up to 10.000. The retention is indicated in the name of the service
🌍Geo: the whole world, real traffic (not bots)
🔗Link format:
♻Warranty: no. If you order a minimum time to display a video, some views may be deleted by YouTube. Consider the ratio of retention to video length.
🚫Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the channel must be open; Place a new order on the same link after completing the previous order; the video must be disabled for viewing only in safe mode and viewing of your video on other sites must be allowed; the video must not violate Youtube rules.
143 ▶️Youtube Views [1h - 10k/d - 15sec] [] ≈0.9548 € 10 100000 Not enough data
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed)
⚡Speed per day: up to 10.000. The retention is indicated in the name of the service
🌍Geo: the whole world, real traffic (not bots)
🔗Link format:
♻Warranty: no. If you order a minimum time to display a video, some views may be deleted by YouTube. Consider the ratio of retention to video length.
🚫Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the channel must be open; Place a new order on the same link after completing the previous order; the video must be disabled for viewing only in safe mode and viewing of your video on other sites must be allowed; the video must not violate Youtube rules.
144 ▶️Youtube Views [1h - 10k/d - 20sec] [] ≈1.4322 € 10 100000 Not enough data
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed)
⚡Speed per day: up to 10.000. The retention is indicated in the name of the service
🌍Geo: the whole world, real traffic (not bots)
🔗Link format:
♻Warranty: no. If you order a minimum time to display a video, some views may be deleted by YouTube. Consider the ratio of retention to video length.
🚫Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the channel must be open; Place a new order on the same link after completing the previous order; the video must be disabled for viewing only in safe mode and viewing of your video on other sites must be allowed; the video must not violate Youtube rules.
145 ▶️Youtube Views [1h - 10k/d - 30sec] [] ≈2.1006 € 10 100000 Not enough data
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed)
⚡Speed per day: up to 10.000. The retention is indicated in the name of the service
🌍Geo: the whole world, real traffic (not bots)
🔗Link format:
♻Warranty: no. If you order a minimum time to display a video, some views may be deleted by YouTube. Consider the ratio of retention to video length.
🚫Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the channel must be open; Place a new order on the same link after completing the previous order; the video must be disabled for viewing only in safe mode and viewing of your video on other sites must be allowed; the video must not violate Youtube rules.
146 ▶️Youtube Views [1h - 10k/d - 40sec] [] ≈2.8644 € 10 100000 Not enough data
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed)
⚡Speed per day: up to 10.000. The retention is indicated in the name of the service
🌍Geo: the whole world, real traffic (not bots)
🔗Link format:
♻Warranty: no. If you order a minimum time to display a video, some views may be deleted by YouTube. Consider the ratio of retention to video length.
🚫Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the channel must be open; Place a new order on the same link after completing the previous order; the video must be disabled for viewing only in safe mode and viewing of your video on other sites must be allowed; the video must not violate Youtube rules.
147 ▶️Youtube Views [1h - 10k/d - 60sec] [] ≈4.2012 € 10 100000 Not enough data
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed)
⚡Speed per day: up to 10.000. The retention is indicated in the name of the service
🌍Geo: the whole world, real traffic (not bots)
🔗Link format:
♻Warranty: no. If you order a minimum time to display a video, some views may be deleted by YouTube. Consider the ratio of retention to video length.
🚫Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the channel must be open; Place a new order on the same link after completing the previous order; the video must be disabled for viewing only in safe mode and viewing of your video on other sites must be allowed; the video must not violate Youtube rules.
148 ▶️Youtube Views [1h - 10k/d - 90sec] [] ≈6.4927 € 10 100000 Not enough data
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed)
⚡Speed per day: up to 10.000. The retention is indicated in the name of the service
🌍Geo: the whole world, real traffic (not bots)
🔗Link format:
♻Warranty: no. If you order a minimum time to display a video, some views may be deleted by YouTube. Consider the ratio of retention to video length.
🚫Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the channel must be open; Place a new order on the same link after completing the previous order; the video must be disabled for viewing only in safe mode and viewing of your video on other sites must be allowed; the video must not violate Youtube rules.
149 ▶️Youtube Views [1h - 10k/d - 120sec] [] ≈8.5933 € 10 100000 Not enough data
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed)
⚡Speed per day: up to 10.000. The retention is indicated in the name of the service
🌍Geo: the whole world, real traffic (not bots)
🔗Link format:
♻Warranty: no. If you order a minimum time to display a video, some views may be deleted by YouTube. Consider the ratio of retention to video length.
🚫Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the channel must be open; Place a new order on the same link after completing the previous order; the video must be disabled for viewing only in safe mode and viewing of your video on other sites must be allowed; the video must not violate Youtube rules.
151 ▶️Youtube Views [1h - 10k/d - 180sec] [] ≈12.89 € 10 100000 Not enough data
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed)
⚡Speed per day: up to 10.000. The retention is indicated in the name of the service
🌍Geo: the whole world, real traffic (not bots)
🔗Link format:
♻Warranty: no. If you order a minimum time to display a video, some views may be deleted by YouTube. Consider the ratio of retention to video length.
🚫Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the channel must be open; Place a new order on the same link after completing the previous order; the video must be disabled for viewing only in safe mode and viewing of your video on other sites must be allowed; the video must not violate Youtube rules.
152 ▶️Youtube Views [1h - 10k/d - 300sec] [] ≈21.9607 € 10 100000 Not enough data
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed)
⚡Speed per day: up to 10.000. The retention is indicated in the name of the service
🌍Geo: the whole world, real traffic (not bots)
🔗Link format:
♻Warranty: no. If you order a minimum time to display a video, some views may be deleted by YouTube. Consider the ratio of retention to video length.
🚫Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the channel must be open; Place a new order on the same link after completing the previous order; the video must be disabled for viewing only in safe mode and viewing of your video on other sites must be allowed; the video must not violate Youtube rules.
153 ▶️Youtube Views [1h - 10k/d - 600sec] [] ≈42.9666 € 10 100000 Not enough data
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed)
⚡Speed per day: up to 10.000. The retention is indicated in the name of the service
🌍Geo: the whole world, real traffic (not bots)
🔗Link format:
♻Warranty: no. If you order a minimum time to display a video, some views may be deleted by YouTube. Consider the ratio of retention to video length.
🚫Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the channel must be open; Place a new order on the same link after completing the previous order; the video must be disabled for viewing only in safe mode and viewing of your video on other sites must be allowed; the video must not violate Youtube rules.
154 ▶️Youtube Views [1h - 10k/d - 800sec] [] ≈57.2887 € 10 100000 Not enough data
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed)
⚡Speed per day: up to 10.000. The retention is indicated in the name of the service
🌍Geo: the whole world, real traffic (not bots)
🔗Link format:
♻Warranty: no. If you order a minimum time to display a video, some views may be deleted by YouTube. Consider the ratio of retention to video length.
🚫Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the channel must be open; Place a new order on the same link after completing the previous order; the video must be disabled for viewing only in safe mode and viewing of your video on other sites must be allowed; the video must not violate Youtube rules.
155 ▶️Youtube Views [1h - 10k/d - 1000sec] [] ≈72.5657 € 10 100000 Not enough data
⌛Start: 0-1h (sometimes may be delayed)
⚡Speed per day: up to 10.000. The retention is indicated in the name of the service
🌍Geo: the whole world, real traffic (not bots)
🔗Link format:
♻Warranty: no. If you order a minimum time to display a video, some views may be deleted by YouTube. Consider the ratio of retention to video length.
🚫Cancel: yes
❗Additional information: the channel must be open; Place a new order on the same link after completing the previous order; the video must be disabled for viewing only in safe mode and viewing of your video on other sites must be allowed; the video must not violate Youtube rules.